The Pilikula Regional Science Centre (PRSC) at Pilikula, Mangaluru is a joint venture developed by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of Karnataka (GoK), and National Council of Science Museums (NCSM) Kolkata, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India (GoI).
The Karnataka Science and Technology Promotion Society (KSTePS) wanted to showcase their Pilikula Regional Science Centre and asked ABAI ( and Someshwara to help create a new experience. We helped develop an Interactive physics-based VR experience that won the "Most Innovative" award from by Department of Science and Technology, India for Govt. of Karnataka.
Pilikula is a really large campus and as soon as we visited the facility we knew we had to create an immersive and interactive experience to showcase the true feeling of being in Pilikula. The technical challenge was the large campus and different zones. We had to focus on what creates the most impact while balancing what is feasible in the virtual world.
* Armed with a bunch of photos and a week, we built the entire experience from scratch.
* VR Demo
* Here is the demo of the experience. We start with an outdoor scene just as in Pilikula. You can walk around and see the place. Then we go into the main hall to see different experiments there. After which we head inside to walk through the science center. All the while interacting with different experiments.
We showcased the VR experience in the National Science Congress where a large number of people got to experience what it is like to go to Pilikula. Created a lot of interest in science and enabled the mission of the center itself.
Happy to announce that the stall was judged by the jury as the Most Innovative Stall in the Expo -- H Honne Gowda, Managing Director, Karnataka Science and Technology Promotion Society
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