
What is Metaverse?


Its an online collaborative virtual world that can be made available in
▪ virtual reality
▪ augmented reality
▪ virtual world in browsers and apps
▪ 3D holographic avatars with 3D position, rotation, and scale
▪ Video & Audio
▪ 3D movements

“Best experience of metaverse is possible in Virtual Reality”

Can you adopt Metaverse now?

Over the years metaverse will be a near realistic and can exist with real world. As technology advances in virtual world, communication and internet, differences in real world and metaverse will fade in.
We cannot wait till all technology is built and ready for usage, but rather lets build the technology required to enable metaverse.

How we help in building Metaverse solutions quickly with our Accelerators

At Someshwara (from 2020, metaverse word was not coined to popularity) we envisioned and built multiple accelerators to bring metaverse experience quickly. Our solutions are already being used in products which are in production.

Metaverse | RealEstate | VR | Mobile

Metaverse : Real Estate

Metaverse Real Estate : A new way of selling Real Estate created in Metaverse


A 3D metaverse with real time communication has been created to facilitate buyer and seller comunnication from various type of devices.

Creating the Experience

A real 3D environment with detailed movement or 360 photos with hotspot navigation. Details of every interest in the 3D scene.

Virtual Reality

Interactive VR Physics experiments

Pilikula VR : We helped develop Interactive VR physics experiments that won "Most Innovative" award for Department of Science and Technology, India for Govt. of Karnataka.

Award Winning

National Science Congress 2020: Happy to announce that the stall was judged by the jury as the Most Innovative Stall in the Expo -- H Honne Gowda, Managing Director, Karnataka Science and Technology Promotion Society

Creating the Experience

Large campus and different zones. We had to focus on what creates the most impact while balancing what is feasible in the virtual world.